One Faith Ministry Incorporated, located in Rome, MS, is a Christian Counseling School, providing Christian Counseling Certification and various other trainings and services. Our purpose is to counsel, teach, train, encourage, and equip the Body of Christ to help and assist other believers struggling with many of life’s issues.
Founded in 2007, One Faith Ministry Inc. is accredited by the American Association of Christian Therapists and Day Spring Christian University. Additionally, OFM is registered with the Mississippi Secretary of State Office as a legal charitable entity.
One Faith Ministry’s certification training is designed to help people to not only know of the freedom we have in Christ, but to experience that freedom. We believe that teaching life principles from the Word of God, and sharing appropriate counseling techniques that are consistent with the Word of God, are key to helping others overcome the difficulties that they have experienced for extended periods of time.
OFM has provided training to individuals such as: Prison Ministry Volunteers, Chaplains, Parole Officers, Probation Officers, Law Enforcement Officers, Emergency Service Personnel, School Counselors, School Principals, Teachers, Pastors and Staff, Attorneys, Hospice Care Workers, and Personal Care Providers.
Our ministry is based upon Ephesians 4:5-6. “5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.